Fucking hell, Ultra Vegas - now there’s a blast from the past.

Totally forgot about that place. Went once because my uni mate was from Milton Keynes.

Remember thinking it was full of knobheads - they let too many boozers in.

    Mad_Cyril Maybe start another thread to establish the definition fk a guilty pleasure?

    Might make the board run more smoothly in the future 👍

    Alistair already alluded to it in the first post of the thread:

    alistair he dusted off some cheesy trance

    Note the word “cheesy”.

    Also, again the term “guilty pleasure” should be fairly self-explanatory. There needs to be some element of it whereby you’re aware that a fair few other people may find it a weird thing to like and perhaps a bit cringe - and therefore you may feel a bit hesitant or “guilty” about sharing it. If it’s just something you share proudly and you expect many others would understand and agree with then it’s just a “pleasure”.

    Posting generally accepted stone-cold classic, non-cheesy trance doesn’t really fit the criteria.

      Old-Dutch FFS - I’m going to have to stop checking this thread soon as it’s doing my head in!

      How can Thrillseekers - Synaesthesia be a “guilty pleasure” FFS?!

      This isn’t just a ‘post the best ever 90s trance tunes’ thread.

      What next? Someone posting BBE - Flash?!


      Some bangers in here! So fast, too, to these aged ears at least.

      Must say I far preferred the Nalin and Kane mix of Everytime (and it mixed brilliantly with Beachball).

      I’m off down a right old rabbit hole now lol. Might fire up the decks and butcher some classics 😅

      My BBE guilty pleasure:

        hugopal Dude if you have nothing to offer other than criticism and negativity, perhaps keep your counsel.

        Alternatively, post some of your guilty pleasures and contribute good vibes.

          One of my guilty pleasures was having a massive dump just as I’m coming up.

          Hard to replicate irl, closest is after a double espresso first thing in the morning

            Dear Dan.

            You’re a massive fucking looser if you don’t specify which mix.

            Your number 1 fan.


              Mad_Cyril Haaah. Same. I used to enjoy doing that so much I started to wonder if I was, in fact, a left-footer.

              Turns out I’m not. Really don’t like the taste of cock.

                The treacles loved this track. Cheesy but very well produced

                  elrobertos Turns out I’m not. Really don’t like the taste of cock.

                  Fucking double-lol

                  alistair good pick - borderline on the cheese front, but prob just about fairly falls in to the guilty pleasure category by virtue of it having been a pretty mainstream hit and basically everything else made by G&D being horrendous shite.

                  bosstrabs What the world needs is a Business Class Lounge with orchestral remixes of Gatecrasher trance classics pumped in.


                  elrobertos Alternatively, post some of your guilty pleasures and contribute good vibes.

                  Hmm, fine.

                  These are perhaps the two “cheesiest” Gatecrasher era tunes I still have a fondness for:

                  I had also considered some Ferry Corsten stuff, but then I couldn’t say they’d be in the slightest guilty pleasures as his stuff is just too good for that.