Last friday night’s Studio 3 Session: First of these I’ve shared here, a fortnightly deep dive broadcast live on Mixcloud.

As i can’t seem to get the apple podcasts link to show I’m not gonna post it, (Suggestions welcome though)


Erik Wollo - Motion Picture
P1lgr1ms - Only Love (St.Ego Remix
P1lgr1ms - Only Love (Original Mix)
P1lgr1ms - Take It Easy(Original Mix)
Verche - Sweet Desert
Kaisser Bouzriba - Coucher De Soleil
Dontknower - Domo Arigato (Maxi Degrassi Remix
MiraculuM - Glittershot (Mauro Masi Remix)
John Drummer - Success (Original Mix)
Verche - Into the Light
Cassius - Sound of Violence - Cassius (Subandrio Rework 2013)
Phonoda - Levendula
Luciano Pelliza - Keep Feeling
Massive Attack - Teardrop (Leandro Murua, ZAHNA Unofficial Remix)
Rama (AR) - Sep of ’98
Rama (AR) - One Guy, One Dream
Masaya - Miss Take
Mishandinho - Burning In My Soul (UNWA Remix)
Chris Cargo - In Spirit
Niceshot - The Oner
Hobin Rude - Echoes of the Forgotten (Original Mix)
OMB - Ancient Sky (Progress Inn Remix)
unknown joys - Fragile
Casper Muzan - Summer Time
Erreome - Avery
Mike Bentley - Lose Myself
Mike Bentley - Lose Myself (Selsi Remix)
Guido Giuliano - Infinite Feeling (Ivan Pogrebniak Remix)
Guido Giuliano - Infinite Feeling (Lucho Bragagnolo Remix)
Guido Giuliano - Infinite Feeling
Enrico Rosica - Volume
Don Lockwood - Horizon (Dub)
Don Lockwood - Horizon
Pindrop - Madhouse
Jeeva - Illusions (Original Mix)
Jeeva - Hypnotize (Original Mix)
Hobin Rude - In Between Breaths (Original Mix)
John Drummer - Sick World_(Original Mix)
Evaki 14 - Volcano
Gai Barone & Luke Brancaccio feat. Kiki Cave - Vicious Lights
Gai Barone & Luke Brancaccio feat. Kiki Cave - Viscious Lights (Lexicon Avenue Remix)
Alan Marshall - Twilight Dreams (Enertia-sound Remix)
Brian De Santis - Dreaming on the Trip
Callecat & Meeting Molly - Unified Formulas (Digital Mess Remix)
Callecat & Nick Varon - Beyond Perceptions (Hernan Cattaneo & Jamie Stevens Remix)
Sinan Arsan - Celestia
BROWN - It Was All a Dream
BROWN - It Was All a Dream (Matias Vega Remix)
BROWN - It Was All a Dream (Randle Remix)
Evaki 14 - Starry Ey
Luciano Pelliza - Rusty Drums
Cloaked - 1999 (Andres Moris Remix)
Cloaked - 1999 (Rockka Remix)
Rockka - Puzzle
Rockka - Puzzle (Fabreeka Remix)
Rockka - Puzzle (Leandro Jaime Remix)
Land Mammal UK - Lucid (Hernan Torres Remix)
Evaki 14 - Twilight Drift

11 days later

Last night;s session is up


Selsi & Sam Whitelaw - Luminaire (Selsi Abduction Mix)
Selsi & Sam Whitelaw - Luminaire (Original Mix)
Vahag - Ocean
Miliano - Touch Me (Bobby Deep Remix)
Animus Liber - Tayrona
Ian Metty - Summer Óde
Max Beillou - In The Jungle (Original Mix)
Mati Vaira & Salvador Balbi - Consciousness Trip
Zoo Brazil x Circulation - Six Days
Verche - Into the Light
Rod V - Boreal (Ismail Kizil Remix)
Savvas - Eunoia (Original Mix)
Mariano Giacinti - The Edge Of Space (Original Mix)
Verche - Sweet Desert (Dave Leck Remix)
Neil Malkan - Sektor
Stan Seba - Incredible Times (Original Mix)
Facundo Sosa - Madness (Ewan Rill Remix)
Milano - Touch Me
Mindlancholic - Lost In A Dream (Original Mix
Mindlancholic - Lost In A Dream (Poli Siufi Remix)
Mindlancholic - Lost In A Dream (Arbey Gonzalez Remix)
AudioStorm - Beyond The Void (Original Mix)
Neil Malkan - Dreamer
NorB & juSt B - Decades (Original Mix)
NorB & juSt B - Decades (Ev3rsun_Remix
NorB & juSt B - Decades (Robert R. Hardy Remix)
Miliano - Touch Me (Luca Abayan Remix)
Matt Black & Glenn Molloy - Binary Code (Mind at Large Remix)
Matt Black & Glenn Molloy - - Binary Code
Matt Black & Glenn Molloy - - Binary Code (Steven Flynn Remix)
Stan Seba & Bynomic - Holy Ground (Gabo Martin’s State of Trance Mix)
Digital Mess - City Sadness (Digital Mess Extended 2024 Rework)
AudioStorm - Compass (Original Mix)
VegaZ SL & ELECGROUND - Mirage
VegaZ SL & ELECGROUND - Mirage (Liam Garcia Remix)
VegaZ SL & ELECGROUND - Mirage (Sinan Arsan Remix)
Chris Cargo - Memory Man
Threshold Productions - Horizon (Fred White Remake)
Kiaro feat. Li’lith - Believe Me
Ignacio Salgado- Cotton (Deepfire Remix)
Ignacio Salgado - Cotton
Ignacio Salgado - Cotton (Emmanuel Dip Remix)

14 days later

Last night’s session, a deep and groovy 5 hours

The Adelaidian - Uncanny Instants
Overbeat - Time (4QM Remix)
Overbeat - Deep Text
Holm Torrance - DP1
Hermanez - Abel
Dorian Constantino - Create
Apocrypha (AR) - Via Siderae
Martin Aquino - Apex
Floyo & Kyle Linco - The Magic Toe
Axel Terblanche - Supernova
Jimpy - Real DJs (Aubrey Fry Deep Mix)
Phonoda Schime - Egyetlen
Serval (AR) - Peltura
Serval (AR) - Sarina
Serval (AR) - Fold
Ranj Kaler - Crushing
Dominikanez - Blessed Love
Chris Fortier - Losing Wait (John Selway Lightwave Version Two)
Rick Pier O’Neil - Photon Surge (Extended Mix)
Kaspar Tasane - Starstream
GMJ & Matter - Ascending Sun (Simos Tagias Remix)
Fatih Ulusoy - Wait to Rain (Sinan Arsan Remix)
Arqana - ionia (Paul Deep (AR) Remix)
Arquana - ionia
Geerk - Cesium (Original Mix)
Pascal F.E.O.S - I Can Feel (MOSHIC REMIX)
Luciano Bedini - Introspection
Deep Inzhiniring - Celestial
Deep Inzhiniring - Kadama
Elecground - Lucent Beam
Elecground - Lucent Beam (Daniel Testas Remix)
Elecground - Lucent Beam (Rodrives Remix)
Mayank - Masai Mara
Mayank - Aether
Maze 28 - Cry of the Deserts (Original Mix)
Maze 28 - Cry of the Deserts (Molac & Nicolas Viana Remix)
Maze 28 - Cry of the Deserts (Aman Anand Remix)
YANIQ - Leaving It
Rich Towers - Close Encounter
Augusto Dassano - Bansel
Hybrid Horses - Blue Moon
JOEL LOKK - Climate Control
JOEL LOKK - Climate Control (Analog Jungs Remix)
JOEL LOKK - Vanta (Oreiente Remix)
Noceur Pneuma - Newlands (Original Mix)
MONTW - Conjure
MONTW - Radiant
MONTW - Trick
Gai Barone & Cary Crank - Alone in the Dark (Extended Mix)
Gowzer - It’s All or Nothing
Gowzer - Polymorph
Rauchhaus & The Wash - Attention Whore
Rauchhaus & The Wash - Attention Whore (Paul Thomas Remix)
Rick Pier O’Neil - Plasma Groove (Extended Mix)
Terje Saether - Gone
Juan Bentkovsky - Maktub
Meeting Molly & The Wash - Macrocosm (Luca Abayan Remix)
Meeting Molly & The Wash - Macrocosm (Teom Remix)

21 days later

Last night’s session is up on Mixcloud, it’s also available on Apple Podcasts but the link breaks when i post it

Carbon Based Lifeforms - Delsjön
Downgrooves - Moonwatcher (Original mix)
Mou Mou - Tibet (Original Mix)
Mou Mou & SOL7 - Sunset (Original_Mix)
Mou Mou & SOL7 - Sunset (Ghume Remix)
YANIQ - Escape Zone
Jonathan Kaspar & Paul Brenning - Transposed Sky
Dot -Dream Machine
Dubsud - Memorie
Cookie.Yeah - The Curse of the Romantic View
Moonface - Maze Monster (Tojogo Remix)
Gary Fulgueiras - Stay
Steve Parry - Turn Up The Juice
Cookie.Yeah - Circle of Love
Lloyd Barwood - Good Life
Ranj Kaler - Last Train (Lightning Effect Remix)
Jim RIvers - Phlox
Gareth Cole - Dynamic
Gareth Cole - Distinction
Downgrooves - Moonwatcher (Karlos Remix)
Downgrooves - Moonwatcher (CURLY CH Remix)
Michael A - Ignition (Leandro Murua Remix)
Michael A - Ignition (Nicolas Benedetti Remix)
Michael A - Ignition (Gowzer Remix)
Golan Zocher - Palo Santo (Original Mix)
Soulmade (AR) & Sabrina Rivas - Replicant Waves
Soulmade (AR) & Sabrina Rivas - Virtual Pulse
Golan Zocher feat. Golan Alkelay - Atalo (Dub Mix)
Golan Zocher feat. Golan Alkelay - Atalo (Original Mix)
Noise Generation & Chär Spinelli - Furiosa (Original Mix)
Noise Generation & Chär Spinelli - Furiosa (Axel Zambrano Remix)
Matias Gauna - Fly on Ground
Tanya Andros - Kolyada (Instrumental Mix)
Joe Fisher - Inevitable
Jim Rivers - Digitalis
Jonathan Kaspar - We Come
Tobias Gesumaria - Waves
YANIQ - Bird View
Bachir Salloum - Honda Attack (Original Mix)
Axel Terblanche - Space Station
Adrian Y - The Loon
Joe Fisher - Moon
Sentre - Onion
donnerstag - Life (Olivier Giacomotto Remix)
Hani - Irieheaven (Olivier Giacomotto Remix)
Jonathan Kaspar - Flash Point
Quivver - Infinity (Original Mix)
Sasha & Jody Barr - Phaxon
Sasha & Jody Barr - Phaxon (Einmusik Remix)
Arqana - ionia
Arqana - ionia (Paul Deep (AR) Remix)
Akiva - Shine (Bulldozer (UK) Remix)
Akiva - Shine (Broken Chair Remix)
Darren Emerson - Seekers Of Cosmic Pleasures (Dub Mix)
Mark Lennon - Battlefield
Kick Fill - Acorde Disociación (Original Mix)
Costax & Timo Maas - Don’t Say

16 days later

World of Intross - Interstellar Intro (Undiscovered Dimension Mix)
Ranj Kaler - Venice (Original Mix)
Ranj Kaler - Sphere (Original Mix)
Ranj Kaler - Reset (Original Mix)
Amaral Borges - Echo Brain
Amaral Borges - Ancient Structures
Cheremuha - Dreams (Peshta Gora Remix)
Cheremuha - Dreams (Origina Mix)
juSt b & NorB - Beautiful Noise (Original Mix)
Chris Sterio & Alex Y - Different Direction (Adnan Jakubovic Remix
juSt b & NorB - At This Moment (Original Mix)
YANIQ - Escape Zone
Ricardo Piedra - Perdide (Kenan Savrun Remix)
Kris Dur - Apolo (Original Mix)
Patrice Baumel - The Cave
Benja Molina x Gorkiz - Pushing (Original Mix)
Noise Generation - Morana
Noise Generation - Morana (Perc Capsule Remix)
Noise Generation - Morana (Flowki SL Remix
Solis US - Echosphere (Hernan Cattaneo & Simply City Extended Remix)
Lexicon Avenue & Matt Black - The Farthest (Original Mix)
Lexicon Avenue & Matt Black - The Farthest (HAFT Remix)
Haen - Iced (Original Mix)
Pete B & Rianu Keeves - Shout At God
Pete B & Rianu Keeves - Shout At God (Enertia-Sound Remix)
Pete B & Rianu Keeves - Shout At God (Erik Bruce Remix)
Marcos Vidou - Rhythmic Fever
juSt b & NorB - At This Moment (Original Mix
Thomas Ferell - Around Constellation
Thomas Ferell - Around Constellation (Randy De Silva Remix
Dan McKie - Ginger Relativity (Extended Mix)
Luciano Pelliza - On the Street
Luciano Pelliza - Lasers at Night
Erich LH - Singularity
Ivan Pogrebniak - Drops
Marco Bedini - Turbulence
Marco Vittori, Tato Lattanzio - Slyth (CHINARDO Remix)
Marco Vittori, Tato Lattanzio - Slyth
Bynomic - Frozen Dreams (Hacobb Remix)
Marco Bedini - Gladiatik
Zstimer & Wru - Weirdness Land (Extended Mix)
Narah - The Lab (Extended Mix
Solis -US - Electricolor (Extended Mix)
Agustin Lo La - Gated Space
Jaydee - Splinter Shell (Original Mix)
Jaydee - Glide (Original Mix)
Guy J - Million Years from Now (Original Mix)
Noise Generation - Sababa
Agustin Pengov & Noise Generation - Sritina (Original Mix)
Agustin Pengov - Other Side (Original Mix)
ARTN - State Of Decay
Agustin Pengov - State (Original Mix)
DYLHEN - Thumper (Julieta Kühnle Remix)
DYLHEN - Thumper (Maze 28 Remix)
DYLHEN - Thumper
Dave Seaman - Hired State Of Unconsciousnes’s

12 days later

State Azure - Apex
Overbeat - Time
Downgrooves - Moonwatcher (Land Mammal UK Remix)
Framewerk - Inamorata (Original Mix)
Moonface - Maze Monster (Tojogo Remix)
Audiofive - Mellifluou
Nicolas Venturini - Silicio
CookieYeah - Circle of Love (Cookie.Yeah remix)
Matty Wright - Hastings Pier (Selsi Peaking On The Pavillion Remix)
Christian Gainer - The Drake Equation
Nicolas Venturini - Artificio
Christian Gainer - 1420 Mkhz
Peace Division - Blacklight Sleaze (Remastered)
Satoshi Tomiie feat Kelli Ali - Love in traffic (Sistersweet unofficial remix)
Guy J - Fixation (Juan Barrera Tribute Mix)
Nick Stoynoff - Dirtsy Flirtsy
Francisco Manrique - Obsidiana
VA O.N.E. - Fog (Montw Remix)
Joe Fisher & Gridlayer- Time Bender (Around Us Remix)
SpringHill - Altitude
Pete B & Rianu Keeves - Shout At God
Pete B & Rianu Keeves - Shout At God (Enertia-Sound Remix)
Pete B & Rianu Keeves - Shout At God (Erik Bruce Remix
CookieYeah - Oh Corona!
Chris Cargo - Random Factor
Not Demure - Roos
Thomas Ferell - Around Constellation (Casnik Remix)
The Wash & Mango - Fair Warning
Kiz Pattison - Dark & Twisted (Original Mix)
Kiz Pattison - Coming Back (Original Mix)
Joe Fisher - Reality Exchange (Whoriskey Remix)
Joe Fisher - Reality Exchange (Subandrio Remix)
Mista Twist & Latex Zebra - Oort Cloud (Selsi Remix Part One)
Mista Twist & Latex Zebra - Oort Cloud (Selsi Remix Part Two)
Dave Hornby - Brilliant White (Original Mix)
ARTN - Reflections
Uve- Elixir
Steven McCreery - Symmetry (Original mix)
Steven McCreery - Escalation (Original Mix)
Steven McCreery - Escalation (Chris Cargo Remix)
JACKSPOT - Null (Digital Mess Remix)
JACKSPOT - Null (The Wash Remix)
DHYLEN- Thumper (Kamilo Sanclemente & Mauro Aguirre Remix)
Astrek - Adagio
Xiasou & Contribute Translation - Spaceland (Neptun 505 Remix)
Jake Beautyman - Tender Loving Crash
Gianluca Meregalli - Metropolis [
116 db - Space (SHFT Remix)
Kooku - Giraffe (Erik Bruce Remix)
Yellow Space - Cosmos (Original Mix)
Ranj Kaler - Last Train (Mista Twist & Latex Zebra Remix)
Madniac & Li Greci - The Edge
Sea23 - Iskona
Callecat - Intro Outro (Xspance Remix)

    Enjoy these wril. Pop up on Apple Podcasts when I’m out and about in the motor.

    Never listened to a full one but always enjoy listening

    @“Mad_Cyril” much appreciated MC, nice to hear they’re recommended on Apple Podcasts.

    Glad you enjoy them 🙏🤙🏽

    erik Pete B & Rianu Keeves - Shout At God
    Pete B & Rianu Keeves - Shout At God (Enertia-Sound Remix)
    Pete B & Rianu Keeves - Shout At God (Erik Bruce Remix

    cheers for playing these, Brother Erik 🙂

      erik will try to give the mix a listen on my commute home tonight 😎

      a month later

      Downgrooves - Stargate (Original mix)
      German Tedesco - Waves
      Franco Dalmati - Jakarta (Dub Version)
      Franco Dalmati - Slave (Original Mix)
      Hisal - Merge
      Pedro Capelossi - No Em Podras Trobar (Jelly for the Babies Sundown Mix)
      Microlot - Suburban Sunset
      Emmi Basse - Ciclo Inmortal
      James Halon - Onomastics
      MAM (AR) - Mizar
      MAM (AR) - Mizar (Summer Department Remix)
      London Grammar - Lord It’s A Feeling (EMPHI Edit)
      Augusto Ferrero - Strategist
      Augusto Ferrero - Gifted
      Max Blade - Lazos (Original Mix)
      Glenn Molloy - Chinook (Mind At Large Remix
      Luciano Bedini - Introspection
      Evaki 14 - Fourth Symphony
      Anush - I Love Brunch
      YANIQ - Leaving It
      Mind Echoes - Unsafe Numbers (Tonaco & Tomas Garcia Remix)
      Mind Echoes - Unsafe Numbers (Original Mix)
      Broken Chair - Dark Summer (NDYR Remix)
      Broken Chair - Dark Summer (Original Mix)
      Mareveg - Yin
      Marco Boarelli - The Moon (Martin Di Sciascio Remix)
      Marco Boarelli - The Moon
      Marco Boarelli - The Moon (Casnik Remix)
      Juan Bentkovsky - Maktub
      Selsi - Clothes (Original Mix)
      Selsi - Boots (Original Mix
      Selsi - Motorcycle (Original Mix)
      Mista Twist & Latex Zebra - Oort Cloud (Selsi Remix Part One)
      Mista Twist & Latex Zebra - Oort Cloud (Selsi Remix Part Two)
      Mista Twist & Latex Zebra - Oort Cloud
      George Alhabel - Xfalls (Freedo Mosho Remix)
      George Alhabel - Xfalls
      ANix JAy & Mechanic - Lotus Mirage
      ANix JAy - Leave the Soul
      ANix JAy - Fade
      Stani Stern - Sternenhimmel
      Stani Stern - Sternenhimmel (Freedo Mosho & Sound Fusion Remix)
      Stani Stern - Sternenhimmel (Ariel Stamile Remix)
      Mareveg - Lost Weekend
      Mind Echoes - Visible World (Original Mix)
      Max Blade - Inara (Original Mix)
      Exesti - Magic Tunnel (Original Mix)
      Exesti - Magic Tunnel (Nikko Mavridis Remix)
      Jim Morrison - Ghost Song [Juan Bentkovsky Unnoficial Remix]
      Fran Garay - Phase Sync (Eichenbaum & STEREO MUNK & Dublew Remix)
      Fran Garay - Phase Sync
      Fran Garay - Phase Sync (Anton Make Remix)
      Rem Siman & Lenny Lens - Bounce (Original Mix)
      Rem Siman & Lenny Lens - Sacred Groove (Original Mix)
      Eternal 2B - Move Ur Body
      Firapon - Ezem (Original Mix)
      Firapon - Bright Flow (Original Mix)
      Tiga & Hudson Mohawke feat. Jess Boykins III -‘Silence Of Love’ (Dave Seaman Re-Rub)

      15 days later


      Beije - Dissolve
      Beige - Monarch
      SOL7 - Pure Forest (Pinkowitz Remix)
      SOL7 - Pure Forest (Original Mix)
      SOL7 - Pure Forest (Hiyus_Remix)
      Nicolas Giordano - Positivity
      Nicolas Giordano - Positivity (Matías Delóngaro Remix)
      Berdu - Ayer Y Hoy
      Berdu - About That
      Boris Louit - Deep Vibes
      Boris Louit - Deep Vibes (Alan Marshall Remix)
      Stephen K Cal - Total Eclipse (Bilge Remix)
      Stephen K Cal - Total Eclipse (Original Mix)
      Stephen K Cal - Total Eclipse (Upteka Remix)
      MOSHIC - I took your love (No vox dub mix)
      MOSHIC - I took your love (Stereo Underground Remix)
      MOSHIC - I took your love (Original Mix)
      Katy Kvint - Essence (goodkidmadcity & Maxi Solo Remix)
      Katy Kvint - Essence
      Katy Kvint - Essence (Gowzer Remix)
      Paul Thomas & Das Pharaoh - Dale (Extended Mix)
      Guy J - Karma (Original Mix)
      Jayn Hanna - Lost Without You (Alain M. & Niko Garcia’s ADE Tribute Bootleg)
      Sebastian Sellares - Timeless Era (Extended Mix)
      David Lynch - I Know (Sasha Remix)
      Keltik - Careless (Original Mix)
      Valen Gonzalez & Bautista Gallo - Too Much Damage
      As We Said (LB) - Beneath the Surface (Original Mix)
      As We Said (LB) - Echoes Beyond (Original Mix)
      As We Said (LB) - Echoes Beyond (CANVI Remix)
      Enertia Sound - Asha
      Dave Walker and Kiz Pattison - Thwip (Extended Mix)
      Antonio Farhy & Sam Sick - Phases
      Antonio Farhy & Sam Sick - Another Life
      Moshic - Love Made Me Do It (Guy J Remix)
      Daniel Arguedas- Transcending
      Randle & Noise Generation - Gruva (Taylan Remix)
      Randle & Noise Generation - Gruva
      Randle & Noise Generation - Gruva (ShemoW Remix)
      Cookie.Yeah - Skyride
      Ekis Ekis - Akü Tsukimi (Original Mix)
      Mayank - Rift Valley (Original Mix)
      Dhylen- Voices (Original Mix)
      Steven Flynn - I See Yo
      Scott Rotton - Relentless Voices (Original Mix)
      Scott Rotton - Sirens (Original Mix)
      Scott Rotton - A Mission to Mar
      Scippo - Strato (Fabricio Mosoni Remix)
      Luciano Bizzarri - lmagineer (Original Mix)
      Luciano Bizzarri - Inferno (Original Mix)
      Rockka - Amnesia (Original Mix)
      Sam Sick - Flowers
      Berdu - Descender
      Patch Park - Don’t Stop (Guy J Remix)
      Nordfold - Neverland (Extended Mix)
      Daniel Arguedas - Gravity
      Dhylen - Thumper (Kamilo Sanclemente & Mauro Aguirre Remix)
      Keltik - Blue Tulip (Original Mix)
      Paul Sawyer & Danny Stubbs - All the Way Down (Moonface Rip Remix)

      19 days later

      The show that i started during lockdown hits it’s 100th episode. The show has grown far more than I could have imagined or hoped for, so a huge thank you to everyone who tunes in or catches it on repeat via other platforms. I also want to say a huge thank you to all the labels and producers who send me music too, this show really is powered by you guys………… so join me for another excursion down the sonic rabbit hole. l’ve got loads of great new music which I’m excited to share with you, so join me for more ambient textures, blissed out breaks and futuristic techno beats.

      Keltik - Careless (Original Mix)
      Callecat & Forty Cats - Interconnecting Echoes (Into The Ether Remix)
      Four Candles & Steve Parry - Mysko
      Elliot Starr - My Paradise (Michael Anthony Dub Mix)
      Guys From Desert - Ovulation (Extended Mix)
      Marco Bedini - Hopeness
      Carl Higson - Setting Sun
      Carl Higson - Setting Sun (Matthew Sona Remix)
      Carl Higson - Setting Sun (Paons Remix)
      Tory Lacroze - Ilusions (Devin Jay Remix)
      Tory Lacroze - Ilusions (Kris Dur Remix)
      Tory Lacroze - Ilusions
      Noel Sanger - Lost Passage (Alternate Version)
      Sam T Harper - It’s Supposed to Be
      Armst - Match (Original mix)
      Guy J - Drifting Memory Part 1 (Maze 28 & Aman Anand Remix)
      Acidtrax - Lightwave (Original Mix)
      Nikola Jovanovic - Suara
      Valen Gonzalez & Bautista Gallo - Amsterdance
      Progress Inn - Veterans (Matter Remix)
      Cookie.Yeah - Oh Corona!
      Evaki 14 - Fourth Symphony
      Antonio Farhy & Sam Sick - Phases
      Sam Sick - Flowers
      Dave Walker - Ego Reset (Forty Cats Remix)
      Dave Walker - Ego Reset (Original)
      Callecat & Bodai - The Balance of Being (Simos Tagias Remix)
      Lucas G (AR)- Magnitude
      Lucas G (AR) - Fire in the Rain
      Gai Barone - 1991 (Original Mix)
      Berdu - Descender
      Cesar Herresuelo - Acanthus (Juani Bria Remix)
      Cesar Herresuelo - Acanthus
      Cesar Herresuelo - Acanthus (Evaki 14 Remix)
      Rebus Project - Mankind Continuum
      Juani Bria & Berdu - Atalaya (Original Mix)
      Molac - A Negative Space (Original Mix)
      Tomas Garcia - Nuke
      Tomas Garcia - Lunar
      Tomas Garcia - Iridescent
      Keltik - Blue Tulip (Original Mix)
      Kaspar Tasane - Forest Moon
      Tomas Briski - Akhenaten
      Tomas Briski - The Man & The Machine
      Super Flu - Rattelschneck
      Steven Flynn - I See You
      Cookie.Yeah - Circle of Love (Cookie.Yeah Alternative Remix)

      in we go!

      • erik replied to this.

        100 episodes! Some milestone that Eril.

        Great having it on the old Apple Podcasts too, wry handy.

        Here’s to the next 100 💪

        • erik replied to this.
          • Edited

          Mad_Cyril thank you dude

          Apple Podcasts is great, I hooked it up to my hearthis page a year or so back and it now generates 2k/3k plays a fortnight.

          Here’s the the next 100 🙏🏽🍻