Coming with a top top mate from Uni.


Dan Possibly the best opening credits to a tv show ever.

Dan Such a brilliant show.

This low-key slapped as well:

You’ll all be delighted to know that Diggers is back safely in the UK.


You’ll be delighted to know we all (probably) follow him on socials just like you.


    Being the wonderful chap I am, I just like to share good news as soon as I get it!

      Will ask what he thinks of the Heathrow lounge on Friday.

      ScottBailey You’ll be delighted to know we all (probably) follow him on socials just like you.

      I don’t Scott.

      Happy to help!

        Mad_Cyril I don’t Scott.

        Happy to help!

        Good Samaritan, Ed Smallman Jr to the rescue then