-si- I’m sure Lenny Murphy wore a pair of those when cruising the Shankill, Si. Stylish yet practical enough to be used for jumping walls or driving a van.

  • -si- replied to this.


    UVF chic is so en vogue this season, lt…

    Winters coming. It’s time to bust out that balaclava.

      -si- this all day long. The guy in the vid I posted nails it. Elevator music.

      Dubman Winters coming. It’s time to bust out that balaclava.

      Much prefer a warm pudding and custard of a winter if I’m honest Dubbers

        Another great angle…

        • Dan replied to this.

          Dubman It’s all part of the UVF chic.. MC

          Was a balaclava / baklava gag.

          I’ll get me coat!

            BlainSA Another great angle…

            That first one looks like it’s from a different part of your browsing history…

            Would get glasses for wearing the Big Coat up here when temp is > 2 degrees


            The funny thing with people filming at clubs, for years I always thought that it was stupid and a waste of time. I suppose back when people started doing it the video and sound quality was awful, for me it just didn’t make sense. These days I feel the total opposite. It’s actually very enjoyable watching them, especially if it is at an event that I attended. They give a great memento of the night. I wish that there was footage of many of the events that I attended in the 90s. A lot of people from back in the day complain about it (even Digweed) I would rather stand next to someone creating great footage, than someone drowning out the music with an air horn or whistle that’s for sure.