RichM Smallman1 this all sounded good until this post. However I’m sure 8 DJs would revel at the chance to play to an audience of 1 semi naked middle aged man. Sounds like a dream gig 😂
LT42 Smallman1 all 8 of them wearing black techno vests and making hand lovehearts to you. I’ll be watching the livestream with a single tear running down my face.
Smallman1 Grant dropping Heaven Scent as the last track of the night. Me, the bar staff and the cleaner going absolutely bananas.
RichM This will be the end of night track
IndustryStandard Yeah…me and @Along_the_Wire had a good few chats about it. We can chew the fat more at the Christmas drinks, but the plan was to scope out some venues first and work out costings etc. in the new year.
benson My mates has a club it Witney. Not sure that’s going to work location wise though. Can be used for Saturday daytime raving if we can get enough people.
bosstrabs SM001 No need, Saints and Sinners mixed into Musak will be COMPULSORY in every set. Even the deep house or dnb sets.
NasserAlazzawi It’s all about getting people together. And so we should while we can. Scott’s a class DJ, never mind the b2b I could have happily listened to his selections alone!
Mad_Cyril NasserAlazzawi It’s all about getting people together. And so we should while we can. Scott’s a class DJ Yep, yep, yep