An hour and 8 minutes in and even though I’m WFH, the top is off.

Great mix!


    Thank you Ed. Appreciate you taking the time to listen. Hopefully the top didn’t come off during a Teams call?

    This is a superb mix, the digging, programming and execution spot on. Trackless pls Dan!


      Thank you mate. Appreciate the kind words. Will try and sort a tracklist tomorrow.

      Got halfway through so far and most enjoyable mate. Nice to hear Grandadbod - Pictures (quiet village dub) again, love that tune.


        Ta mate. Glad you’re liking. Appreciate the listen.

        It sure how I missed this. Into the pile 💪

        What a fucking mix.

        Hit play whilst spraying the patio (not a euphemism) this morning and have been grooving away since.

        Brilliant breadth Dan, the Meek track at the end was a beautiful finish.

        Mix of the year for me, by a long way. Amongst some serious competition as well.

        Always been my favourite board DJ 🫶


          Thank you mate. Really appreciate the kind words and for taking the time to listen.

          Hopefully the neighbours’ CCTV didn’t catch any footage of you on the patio.

            If I’m a little honest, was initially put off by the Weatherall thing. Lazily associating with an ALFOS / chug approach.

            But it’s Weatherall inspired in the truest sense, joining a lot of dots. But it still sounds like you. And always should.

            A humbling listen

            5 days later

            whatever listened to this a few times and echo everyone’s else’s views that this is brilliant. Def up there as a favourite for 2024

            Thank you mate. That’s really kind of you. Appreciate it.

            Brilliant mix that, Dan. Nice to hear that Anthony Teasdale track.👍🏻

            Mad_Cyril Where did you get a digi of Glowing Trees

            The tree shop in Barkshire. Just got to find a branch that has it in stock.

            PM incoming mate.