To commemorate the end of the Financial Year, with everyone grimly filing their tax returns, let’s decide the ‘Worst Bant’ of the 2024 tax year. ‘Winner’ will be declared on 5th April.
Stick your nominees here…
To commemorate the end of the Financial Year, with everyone grimly filing their tax returns, let’s decide the ‘Worst Bant’ of the 2024 tax year. ‘Winner’ will be declared on 5th April.
Stick your nominees here…
First nominee…
Hugo’s relentless shoehorning of Darren/gay quips into all threads concerning Smallman, however tenuous, a good three years after all the Darren jokes have been done to death!
Smallman still using the tired old ‘English Cuisine: best in the world!’ trope like it’s 2022.
Dave desperately trying to breathe life into this absolute turkey of a thread.
The board needs a ‘Chronicler of Bad Bants’.
Those who don’t learn from the mistakes of history are doomed to repeat them.
Dan It’s been a fiscal year of garbage bants. But on balance, would second smooth brain’s repeated use of the “N” word as a low.
Caption “Small my cheese”
mono-stereo Hugo looks like he’s about to take Ed up the council if the cheese doesn’t work too
zuzuzuzu’s Bowls video
Big time!