You get the odd decent Subway in my experience - the inner city ones are usually staffed by prison-tattooed rat people but I know at least one in a nice suburb which have lovely clean staff and honestly I think their gear is alright.
Sandwiches RANKED
A chocolate eclair with a chicken escalope?
Interesting Jonatton, very interesting.
The worst thing about that photo is the spliff with no roach on the side.
In the UK, a roach is a small piece of cardboard, rolled up and inserted into the end of the spliff, so you can smoke it all the way down. Cardboard traditionally torn off the front of your rizla packet.
Get that emphysema going quick sharp!
We have so much pot around here that once it gets down to a ¼ left we just throw it away and start anew.
Smallman1 lol hell no. That thing looks nasty. I never understood the fascination with mixing donuts with savory things like lunch meats or burgers. Gross. They’re meant to be enjoyed separately.
jonattonyeah We have so much pot around here that once it gets down to a ¼ left we just throw it away and start anew.
Same. No point in trying to keep it going. Now back when I was a teenager, we would smoke them until we burned our fingers lol.
If you don’t add baccy it doesn’t burn as well or as evenly. Unless it’s like really bone dry and finely ground. Which imo can be a bit too harsh.
Also, you’re wasting a lot of weed as it burns between puffs, which is why a lot of the yanks smoke it using the one-hit-and-pass approach.
Both styles, of course, have their merits. Lack of cancer-causing tobacco being a big one. But personally I go with the Dutch school when it comes to all things weed.
Or at least I would do if i wasn’t a forty year old, married, law-abiding citizen. :/
Purificada, todo tiempo. Tobacco joints are pukey. You wouldnt inhale a huge drag off a cigarette and hold it in. Tobacco joints are breeding grounds for whiteys and the ending of your evening.
Never puff puff passed a joint that didn’t have tobacco in it. Finland eh…