Smallman1 Am off to this on Sunday - Hold tight for feedback!
LT42 Dancing to Steve Winwood’s Higher Love at the after party, now you’re talking. You’ll be the only one in the kitchen though.
alistair LT42 Tech house and prog would be barred from any self respecting house party, disco, rare groove, bit of nu wave and classic pop music. Sasha and Digweed can fuck right off the stereo.
SM001 alistair Well my music tastes are evidently a hell of a lot more eclectic and diverse than most. I mean seriously who gives two fucks about Luzoscura or Charlie May’s latest ambient snorefest. I’d rather listen to Stevie Winwood’s higher love. That’s my kind of after hours party track Said without a hint of humility or irony 😆
Along_the_Wire I was gonna step in and defend Alistair, but I’ll tell you something for nothing, if he’s anywhere near the afters, I’m oot!
Along_the_Wire Dan It doesn’t sound too bad to me, I just think the place will be littered with absolute bellends.
Hursty Must admit, the guys I met off there have all be knowledgable seasoned clubbers who kitchen sink it up more than Ed!