Mad_Cyril I hear you. The only way I find out of this is to make a plan to do / be about something
The people doing the best out of the situation have a reason to get up and do something.
- They plan to go somewhere
- They look after someone / children.
- They have busy work lives, Covid maybe made their line of work more spiced up / in demand
The reasons seem to have to be bigger than you. If you can serve somebody else that’s a nice feeling that we’re all wired up to feel good about (not just instantly but longer term).
For me personally all I’ve got is Music as my amazon business is on hold due to Covid (all stock stuck in China because transportation costs have spiked) so I have made a point of learning new skills relating to DJing which has enabled me to share moments with people who I’m missing and also new people. That feels exciting in the run up, during and afterwards I have recorded material to share and there’s a bit of legacy.
But yeah man, when I’m not doing that I’m on the sofa with my dogs watching netflix and by the third day of that I’m bordering depression.
There’s plenty we can do and I can only recommend you find something to do that you want/enjoy (which there will be plenty of when we turn the news off).