Jules72 2,5 hours mate.
Homegrove 2 hours 45 mins
Jules72 2h43m
vinnyt77 is that including or excluding credits?
But more importantly it felt less than 2 hours.
Jules72 🤣
Does Cillian Murphy’s face annoy anyone else like it does me?
Popped up in my YouTube feed.
Ah, Christopher Nolan. Back with another megabudget emperors-new-clothes 3 hour marathon wankathon.
I guarantee this will be awful
C_J Review embargo lifted, RT score 97 % positive with 63 reviews, Metacritic 90 with 46 reviews, which is pretty fucking remarkable.
Was thinking that when I pulled the trigger on Gold Class tickets. Not even the waiter delivered caramel popcorn and club sandwich would solve for a tenet-like shit show.
rhouses Tbh mate, I really hope I’m wrong.
I’d definitely be bringing earplugs though.
Hope you enjoy xoxo
Homegrove these reviews are all from biased people who’s interests are aligned with the producer’s. It’s not their truly held opinion.
Let’s see where the scores are at in six to twelve months once a more representative sample have seen it.
C_J Also, they’ve gone a little Empire and give shit films high scores. Probably for cash.
Along_the_Wire I’d say so, yeah.
Explain the Indy-RT score then? Paramount doesn’t have money to pay the critics?
Homegrove You can’t polish a turd, so it needs to be called now and again. The difference a film being 64% and 97% must make a big difference at the box office.
Mission impossible was good but I think I’ll enjoy Oppenheimer even more.
Funky now there’s a surprise.