nicksneddon Pickles remember this, it was crazy actually. They were playing proper house music at 11am on Radio One ffs. They had a guest DJ on every day as well for a half hour, was the first time I heard Sasha. They’ve always known what’s up 👍🏻
apyssjw nicksneddon Was the first time sasha was on radio 1 (I think from memory). No idea about coxy etc. PSBs were probably the first group I got into as a kid.
j_b nicksneddon I remember this, hearing Age of Love for the first time on the radio one breakfast show! I think the guest mixes are up on soundcloud. I seem to remember they did it 2 years i a row 91 and 92. They are what kickstarted my interest in house music. Not too keen on then now but was really into their first 5 albums I think Behaviour was the last one I really liked.
alistair Ten great PSB tracks all from their imperial phase. West End Girls, Love Comes Quickly, Being Boring, Rent, Left to my own devices, Domino Dancing, Suburbia, What Have I done to deserve this, Heart and It’s a Sin.
bosstrabs alistair West End Girls, Love Comes Quickly, Being Boring, Rent, Left to my own devices, Domino Dancing, Suburbia, What Have I done to deserve this, Heart and It’s a Sin. Agree with the exception of Heart. I think it may have been their only number 1 (can’t be arsed checking) apart from West End Girls but even Tennant dismissed it as throwaway and I tend to agree.
Pickles Incredible string of remixers they’ve worked with - pretty much anyone who’s anyone back in the day Knuckles, Morales, Tenaglia, Sasha, Farley and Heller, BIR, Jam and Spoon…
DPM I love the ‘Actually’ album, Love Comes Quickly, Why Don’t We Live Together, then the Disco album with Paninaro on it. Wicked tracks…
Kumquat There’s some new remixes of ‘West End Girls’ getting released in November. The Micheal Gray one is nice.
Dubman Smallman1 Well & truly shit. He talks rather than sings. West end girls is a good pop record though.
baggers44 Smallman1 heresy Edward - genuinely groundbreaking, fresh and edgy at the time…opened up a whole new horizon for some of us
seanc80 West End Girls is probaly one of my all time favourite tracks however aside form the Sasha remix whish loses the baseline really rendering it pretty insignificant, there are no great remixes that i have heard. Are there any? The ones on Simon’s link above are not for me.