• Music
  • The New Artist Album Thread

7 days later

Giving the new SBTRKT album a twirl, hold tight for feedback etc etc.

Saw him last Saturday (SBTRKT) at Field Day, the highlight of a shocking musical day.

    Smallman1 Admittedly Aphex Twin was shite but did you catch Jon Hopkins and Bonobo?

    7 days later

    Smallman1 Decent album, but wouldn’t go out of my way for a repeat listen.

    6 days later

    Homegrove I really like Feels Like I Am Dreaming, but rest of it not for me. However I can imagine some of it sounding decent live

    RichM yeah, I thought so. Great production. My wife loves her so it will be a staple in the car

    Homegrove Yeah, my brother (massive fan) was banging on about it.

    Out next week, a no-hesitations preorder

    6 days later

    Vince Watson’s album - Tasteful but samey. Too many cocktail bar pianos and lacking the punch of his best singles. Bit boring.