Smallman1 Dubman Deadbeat & Paul St. Hilaire - Four Quartets Of Love and Modern Lash. Very good dub house. Have just hit play. Hold tight for feedback!
alistair Along_the_Wire Gotcha. My bad. Well in that case, I am going to recommend the new Paul Weller album. I am a fan and there are obvious summer vibes
Dubman Simon Posford (Shpongle) - Flux & Contemplation - Portrait of an Artist in Isolation
Wally Got Kohra’s new album to go through - also going through Rone - Room with a view - which is grand so far. 🙂
baggers44 Wally Listened to it this morning - I am well impressed - maybe a resurgence of progressive breaks! I’ll get me Fretwell mixes out again …..
alistair Smallman1 me too. His voice is in fine fettle and there is some really lovely orchestral writing on it