rhouses hugopal I have the inertias and they’re ridiculously comfy. Was hoping to grab these and possibly flip em in a year.
hugopal bosstrabs I just did a search and fair play you did come out with something similar 2 years ago. No way I’d remembered it though. I’ll try to avoid any future joke copyright infringements in future.
rhouses -si- Yeezy, with enough UltraBoost in them to make anyone happy. IMO. Comer & Dave will pick them up three years from now and act like they’re the next best thing since sliced bread. You heard it here first.
Smallman1 mrrossi Madrasidas Quarter of a lol Rossi as the effort is appreciated even if the execution needs a little work.
seanc80 To be honest Rhouses i actually dont mind them.The shape is fine but the colours are not for me at all but i get it. They are 90’s ironic which is a thing i suppose.
Mad_Cyril seanc80 the colours are not for me At last, someone not using the fucking stupid colourways phrase. Big up yaself Sean
Smallman1 seanc80 To be honest Rhouses i actually dont mind them This tells you everything you need to know.
rhouses seanc80 Yup, nail and head. Sucker for the 90s throwbacks. Love me some neon colour blocking. I’d have picked the wave runners over the inertias given the choice.