• Music
  • Would any kind soul have a good quality copy of...

Long shot but would anyone have this as a wav or owt?

  • Matt replied to this.
    a month later

    Does anyone have a copy that isn’t a youtube rip?

      ludwig a f blissful lie - or even better if anyone can point me towards where I can purchase this for download

      • Matt replied to this.
        7 days later
        12 days later

        Strong - London Grammar - Judah mix (or any other moody afterlifey suitable one) - ta.

          Kumquat thanks for this mate - i was trying this yesterday but just got the spinning wheel on the downloads page - i’ve tried different browsers to no avail ….maybe they have removed it …

            Kumquat What a top bloke!! I remain, Sir , your most humble and obedient servant……….

            Ghosts (Jori Hulkkonen remix) - Japan - It’s not even on youtube. If you have it I shall worship you in this life and the next!!