• Music
  • Would any kind soul have a good quality copy of...

Has anyone got a copy of U&ME (Sasha remix) - Sentre
He played it on a LNOE thing

    ArchimedesQ Not a Sasha remix and not a chance. 😆 Never to see the light of day due to the Alicia Keys sample.

    That’ll never surface

    • Echo replied to this.


      I’ve heard radio shows where obvious set-rips of it were played.

      Can’t you blag a copy?

        Echo Yeah, I have a set rip of it. it’s good quality too but in the middle some helmet says ’you’re listening to Sasha, Last night on earth’ not particularly good for my sets as I’m clearly not from Wales

          ArchimedesQ some helmet says ’you’re listening to Sasha, Last night on earth’

          Yeah, they’re crafty like that.

          Echo I know Dave, but he’d say no.

          Even though people can easily find rips on youtube and soundcloud, U&ME is too good just to be released for free and they know it. Unless someone leak the track there’s no way this track will ever see the light of day.

          • Dan replied to this.

            Smokemonk That’s prob why you’ve only ever heard Sasha/Sentre play it….It was just between them and not given out to their usual cronies.

              Dan I recall a couple of their cronies playing it out too.

              • Dan replied to this.

                SM001 Then I’m amazed it hasn’t surfaced on the net. Remember the debacle of Sasha’s ‘be as one’ when that got swiped and bootlegged.

                Regarding the Sentre track…surely they know a decent guest vocalist who can replicate the vocal?

                SM001 Nah, not if the quality is good. If I like the music I will play it by any means necessary. I’m not a snob, its all about the music, always.

                SM001 Yes…that’d shred my eardrum.

                That and Zach’s music.