• Music
  • Would any kind soul have a good quality copy of...

9 days later

Big Sasha tune… only available on obscure CD… please

  • Echo replied to this.

    Echo Yes, have seen that, a modern version. The original is better and that particular CD is very expensive…

      Wasily yeah it’s called something like that, illusion 2002 retro classix. Goes for 40 quid upwards on discogs

        Does anyone possess a decent copy of the Chris Lake - Climbatize edit?

        Cheers in advance…. My copy is from Limewire and it’s shredding my ears 👴🏼

          Dan I think even the original bootleg was a pretty bad master, so I doubt there’s anything decent around.

          8 days later

          Cheers in advance…. I can’t find a link anywhere.

            8 days later