IndustryStandard Any kind soul have this beauty ? D*Note - Lost And Found (Danny Tenaglia’s Life At Twilo Dub)
ArchimedesQ IndustryStandard Only 320 I’m afraid
Old-Dutch ArchimedesQ He sorted me out with this on the last board. Fairly sure he won’t mind me passing onwards
ArchimedesQ If anyone can let me have a copy of the track at 1hr 22 - Yacine Dessouki - feel it - I shall remember you handsomely in my last will and testament 🙂
SM001 ArchimedesQ I’d love a copy too. Unlikely to ever be released unfortunately. It was meant to be signed to Agoria’s ‘Sapien’ label but the singer on the track wasn’t happy with the terms of the contract. The cunt. 😐️