ScottBailey Wasily if you’ve got a copy of the Tripapella mix, I’ve been looking for a decent copy of that since Sander K played it on his EM in 2001! Please and thank you 😉
ScottBailey Mad_Cyril no, it’s a woman singing a version of The Smith’s classic. About 45 mins into the set if I remember right. That “quiet now” vocal is right at the beginning
Mad_Cyril ScottBailey That “quiet now” vocal is right at the beginning It is, I wore the tape out on that EM
Matt If theres a copy of the tripapella mix kicking about, I’d love a copy aswell, please. I’ve spent ages trying to track that down over the years.
Wasily @ScottBailey @Matt I’ve only the Amped Up Pass as a Non-Vinyl rip Lossless file. PM me if you want it Scotty/ Matt.
Wasily smokindan That was available on 3beat digital I’m pretty sure. Someone will be able to help you out I think.
Old-Dutch Didn’t think this was on the colours release will take a look cheers. Just listened to it again and it’s probably my favourite track of all time. Have it on vinyl but need to get a digi