Anyone watched Borderlands?

Couple of episodes in and seems to be reasonably entertaining

Is everyone, like, totally over Netflix these days?

The quality output is def slower at mom

i keep wanting to get rid of netflix, but this bulls documentary is keeping me hooked for the moment. best sports doc ever.

    303abuser best sports doc ever

    I take it you’ve not seen Being Liverpool then…

    haha fuck if i could watch anything about liverpool. they’re one of my irrational hate teams.


    It’s good. But no way can it ever be ranked ahead of “When We Were Kings” to my mind.

    That documentary is fucking incredible. Less than 2 hours and utterly flawless. Has it aged? Not one bit; other than the silly montage in the middle. All other sports documentaries have really just ripped off their model.

    I’d say it’s top 10 docs all time, sports or no sports.

      jonattonyeah I’ve not seen that as I’m not bothered about boxing, but to be fair, I’m not that bothered about basketball either (loved in when I was a kid mind) and loving that Jordan thing.

      When we were kings is awesome. Even if you’re not a boxing fan. It’s worth a watch.

      jonattonyeah It’s good. But no way can it ever be ranked ahead of “When We Were Kings” to my mind.

      not sure if i’ve seen that or not, i’ll take a look. i’m pretty sure i watched 75% of the bulls games from maybe 89-98, every playoff game for sure, so it’s cool to relive it with a different perspective.

      Gave reckoning a go last night. Unbelievably bad. The acting is straight out of a cheesy American soap opera.

      Anything new and decent on netflix seems to becoming more and more rare.

      Mad_Cyril I stick to the foreign language stuff mostly.

      You must be an absolute pro at reading subtitles.

        Thought MC had a live in translator who kips under the stairs of his mansion. who only comes out when he’s watching Netflix


          Yes it is brilliant isn’t it? I’m not a basketball fan by any stretch but this has me hooked.

          Do they really play 82 games in a league season? Are they playing every 3rd day or something?

            Anyone dived into White Lines yet? Looking for some feedback before starting it…