Smallman1 It’s better than some of his recent output. So I would yes, yes it is.

quite liked this mellow warm up

Matt this is one of the standout mixes of the year - dreamy and seamless - like all the best mixes it sounds like a symphony with different movements.

  • Matt replied to this.

    Absolutely superb mix Matt, thoroughly enjoyed it, elegant and classy stuff.

    • Matt replied to this.

      Matt Superb tracks and mix. Makes me wanna throw my S2 in the Thames (and I should, prob). Marvellous.

        Only used mine once. It’s now gathering dust in the loft

        smokindan Never understood the hype that the vagrant Villalobos receives. Saw him at Fabric once and thought it was everything I hate about dance music. Self-indulgent, grooveless tripe for try-hards.

        Tho the sound engineer there once said he’s one of only two DJs who really understand and can fully work the system in R1. The other one was Slasher, fact fans.