Millsy About fucking time, Millsy.

And LOLz for the follow ups lads!

Couldnā€™t see them without my glasses

baggers44 Everyone I hear Little Louis name it reminds of the story that Danny Howells posted.
The last time I got annoyed by another DJ wasā€¦
When I got called ā€˜white trashā€™ by Lil Louis back in 97. The set timings got mixed up so he thought he was meant to be playing while I was, and he told someone to ā€˜get that white trash offā€™ ā€“ not very nice is it?

    alistair he appeared on my feed recently, doing one of those live streams from his ā€œdenā€. I gave it 5 or 6 minutes and in that time all he did was flash hand shadow puppets at the camera. Proper clownshoe he is.
    As soon as heā€™d flash that Wesside at me, WAPOW, liver shot.

    • Dan replied to this.

      Job Jobseā€™s mixes have gone very ā€˜Tomorrowlandā€™ havenā€™t they?

        seanc80 Everyone has their price.

        LT42 Fair play to Sean itā€™s about 70% of the tracks that Weatherall regularly played. These two were hammered.

        Cisco Cisco - If You Want Me (Jay Shepheard Remix)
        Kimo - Whirl

        seanc80 Yep. Theres a few other well respected DJā€™s starting to veer that way. Mano le Tough for one if heā€™s not careful.

        Any clips that Job posted on his socials over the last 12 months were borderline happy hardcore. I appreciate hes playing to some top crowds by the looks of it and everyone is having a good time but WHAT IS GOING ON? Its been quite a few years since he dropped any decent mixes, unless Iā€™m out of the loop?

        I will stick with this EM from the beginning of 2023. Maybe the last of the good stuff.