That’s one use for it sure and admittedly a lot of the ‘dapps’ center around financial transactions at present but it’s not the only one. Anything programmable with a turing complete language can be used for a lot more and will be in time. As I said above, the tech has only really just started the maturation phase. There will be a killer app soon enough that drives mass adoption (maybe with people not even realising it’s blockchain powered). A lot of the arguments being deployed that frame blockchain tech in terms of existing tech is exactly the same thing that happened with the internet at first. ’Oh email, it’s just a computer letter then’ etc.
The tech is over a decade old and has been through several ‘could have been the end of it’ moments and still come through. It’s here to stay imo.
It’s good to be cautious but in other news, Etherium has hit seven all time highs in the last month or so. I think I’m bailing on stocks once gamestop is done. The returns are just too good and from looking at planned updates, it’s only going one way from here. Imo.