Wally This made me smile - whether you buy into his theory or not, his ‘just turn off the computer, go outside and enjoy what you have’ advice yesterday was nice 😃
mono-stereo Funky It’s not really insane, is it? It’s just the market doing it’s thing. ie a bubble popping.
Funky Yeah, personally dont see the China thing as all bad considering they ban everything. More opportunities for other nations to mine more sustainably. Crypto’s the future imo so in it for long haul.
Funky https://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/smallbusiness/article-9580169/amp/Uphold-wants-make-crypto-metal-investing-easy-make-purchases-simple-swipe.html
Wally BT gets in on the crypto NFT scene: https://www.coindesk.com/grammy-nominee-music-programmable-nft-bt
Wally Gamestop announced an NFT trading platform built on Ethereum last night. Probably the biggest and most public usage of NFTs and blockchain tech in general when it launches on July 14th.
LT42 Nebraska signed into law a statewide crypto and digital banking framework. The fire will catch on.