mono-stereo Funky It’s not really insane, is it? It’s just the market doing it’s thing. ie a bubble popping.
Funky Yeah, personally dont see the China thing as all bad considering they ban everything. More opportunities for other nations to mine more sustainably. Crypto’s the future imo so in it for long haul.
Wally BT gets in on the crypto NFT scene:
Wally Gamestop announced an NFT trading platform built on Ethereum last night. Probably the biggest and most public usage of NFTs and blockchain tech in general when it launches on July 14th.
LT42 Nebraska signed into law a statewide crypto and digital banking framework. The fire will catch on.
Wally What do you make of ICP Hursty? I think their mission is to replace the entire internet with a de-centralised version? Pretty bold for sure. Not sure how far they are going to get with it but they’ve had some hefty investment from places.
Hursty Wally is that the Internet computer peeps? Only heard of them the other week so haven’t read much into them, just saw that their token listing went quite well shall we say!
Wally Wally Jeez, quite glad I didn’t buy in with these guys. They’ve lost something like 97% of value over a month. Eeek!
Wally Hursty Yep, that’s them. I got sent this as a general explainer - not had a chance to go through it properly - sadly the host is about as charismatic as a gas bill so it’s hard going.