Homegrove Dan thought it was that, then I did a “wait, wasn’t this shot in Glasgow?”, but no London and Liverpool too.
erik Bought and watched Spiderman: No Way Home on Amazon last night. Very much my favourite MCU movie
nicksneddon Moon Knight was absolutely brilliant – wasn’t expecting anything from a first episode however I really enjoyed it. Theres a rumor that Blade is going to be set in London so wouldn’t be surprised to see him turn up at some point
Homegrove I just watched the first episode too, but could not tell about it yet. Ethan Hawke is ace in it, he can do a baddie really well, the upcoming Joe Hill adaptation with him playing a serial killer in it should be great because of him.
nicksneddon erik aye. You can have a nose round the place before the film as well, fantastic place to get lost in
Homegrove Ethan Hawke is excellent in this. He’s really acting, not hamming it up as your basic villain.