Lightfoot Mad_Cyril Have put a couple on SoundCloud, but have been focusing on YouTube due to the bigger audience, plus SoundCloud love to take mixes down for copyright etc.
Lightfoot The Prog House mix was originally done for JPs Saturo show a few months back and can be heard here with JPs reply mix too:
Kells77 Just finished listening to the Electronica mix. Really enjoyed it. This last track - Birth - Future Beat Alliance - is so expansive! Great work! I’m on to the Melodic one next 🙂
Lightfoot Kells77 Thanks. The Future Beat Alliance album just dropped last week, (available on Bandcamp) not all as epic as Birth, but well worth a listen all the same. He’s done a fair bit of writing with the UNKLE crew too.
Lightfoot If it’s of any interest to anyone: