Mad_Cyril Unbroken1 Welcome over here blud. Can go to Mastersounds HQ, teach me the basics, and the weekends on me 👌
Wasily Unbroken1 Imagine one knob had the functionality of a 3 or 4-band EQ. The first third of a turn removes the bass end of the frequencies, the second bit the mids, the last bit sweeps-up the highs. I guess the main difference between it and an EQ is that it is just subtractive, ie. you can’t use it to boost frequencies, just take them away… then again, I don’t know many DJ’s that push frequencies on a mixer using the EQ in that way, I certainly don’t. U mean a like rotatary kill? Or a right/ left drag across an assigned point on an EQ8 in ableton with a knob mapped onto the reference point. E.g. Left drag on the 8 on an EQ set up like this would give you progressive kill of the high to low freqencies, which you could map to a knob?
Mad_Cyril Unbroken1 The dude on the phone said Monday to Friday, frees up the weekend for masterclasses!!!
Wasily I’d also be up for an unbroken masterclass but wouldn’t want to crash a custom lesson for @Mad_Cyril in how to pitch encore une fois down to 60 bpm. 😉
Along_the_Wire No low-hanging fruit tag? I’m getting sick and tired of this simple oversight. Can we get a new tab in the spreadsheet please?
Along_the_Wire Mad_Cyril A thread about the release of a new mixer has to be low-hanging fruit status, doesn’t it?
Mad_Cyril Borderline I’d say, but not quite ’what’s your favourite <insert compilation series*> though!! *Merciless World of Trance excluded obviously