• General
  • jeffrey epstein (didn't kill himself)

You are beginning to sound like Grant, Zac, please don’t!

    There is literally no chance that @Flares is the original massive fucking wearout. Just not boring and bullshitty enough. Boring, but not to that stratospheric level.

    so why would she be in the states if she was under threat of arrest?

    The timing with Berman’s firing last week is fishy.

      I’m genuinely flabbergasted that she’s still alive.

      LT42 Yup. Heard a theory months ago, that the FBI has always known where she was. She will now testify and clear all of the big dawgs of any wrong doing, but hang out a few lower level types. This could all be part of Barr putting a bow on the whole thing.

        303abuser IDK. If she turns up and says “we did it, and now I need to come clean. Alan Dershowitz is guilty, but Prince Andrew is a good boy and did nothing wrong. Also, Bill Clinton is a total gentlemen and completely avoided Jeff even before there were rumors of his behavior” I think it will make perfect sense. The FBI raided all of Epstien’s estates, houses, and his island. What ever Jeff had is now in safe hands. Now its just about tying up loose ends, and Ghilane can really do that in one fell swoop. I know I sound like a broken record, but this all the Nixon concept of a Limited Hangout. The Epstein doc was exactly that, and now Ghislane is another solid piece.

          Why wouldn’t they just kill her? Less risk of her going off script and dropping people in serious bother. Papers quietly drop her death after a few articles. Job done.

            She could’ve easily just been disappeared.

            Way easier than to suicide someone in a jail cell.

            Nah, they’ve had months to prep her and get her on script. She’ll give nothing away and all the deviants will go on devianting.

              Millsy What’s the carrot? You get to live and go to jail for ages? Tough sell imo.

                Wally Because she can do more for the cause by parroting a carefully prepared script. It’s also believed that she is super connected to intelligence thru her dear departed dad. Been theorized he was Israeli intelligence during WWII. As far as the crackpot theories go, I really think there is something to the whole Robert Maxwell Donald Barr connection. It just seems too odd that the Epstein Ghislane story originates with those two dudes.

                Wally Lets see if she goes to jail… She could also end up dying from suicide by two gun shots to the back of the head. It’s all fair game, but I personally think she has been coached and will sing a pretty tune for most of the accused.

                Has she got kids or family that she doesn’t want falling down an elevator shaft? I suppose that would do it.