Lol after a long day of grafting behind the EB counter I could see him necking a few Black and Greens before paying his respects at Woodlands Cemetery.

14 days later

Mad_Cyril Which I have had on a drunken work night out and instantly regretted it. Not because it was spicy, but because it was rancid

On a scorching hot day there is one thing, and one thing only to have in one’s pint of lager.

A dash of lemonade.

  • Dan replied to this.

    Got a lot of time for dyer nowadays thanks to this.


    (Cameron, not you Ed x)

    The last “twat!” after a short breathe just makes this clip.

    Pamela Anderson and Jeremy Corbyn on hand to clear it all up while Ed Balls laughs his head off across the studio. Gold.

    17 days later

    Lol. Plot twist: that’s just his starter.

    Along_the_Wire Franks hot sauce is for poofs

    I know that phrase was probably fine and commonly used back when you were a lad in the 1940s, but I thought it was generally very much verboten nowadays?