English Cuisine
Mad_Cyril Have eaten at this excellent Michelin starred HK restaurant…
rhouses have you tried the M&S lime? They piss all over McVittie’s
- Edited
Always a packet in the golf bag. Pretty much the only winning I do on the course!
9 days later
This has made me very hungry, winner of a sarnie
That bloke needs a good hiding.
Agree, RichM is a total cunt if we’re honest
No way I’m eating anything made by some northerner with those disgusting ear hoop things. Dysentery central.
Neck/hand/face tattoos = wanker
The stupid fucking Flares-esque shit beanie an all
Beanie wearing, ear plugged wanker just needs an electric scooter and he’s all set.
I was just focusing on the food….