No way I’m eating anything made by some northerner with those disgusting ear hoop things. Dysentery central.

    Millsy Tattoos on any area of the body that cannot easily be covered up can fuck off as well.

    Neck/hand/face tattoos = wanker

    Beanie wearing, ear plugged wanker just needs an electric scooter and he’s all set.

    I was just focusing on the food….

    bosstrabs Agree, RichM is a total cunt if we’re honest


    The old classic!

    2 months later

    Best cuisine in the world!

    6 days later

    I know it’s not English but my Irish colleague has just shown me a picture of a dish called coddle.

    S to the werve springs to mind.

      Smallman1 That’s rank. I’ve had coddle a bunch of times, and it never looked quite so anaemic as that…

      Smallman1 don’t they cook their sausages in Ireland? Monsters

      Surely that’s a pre-oven photo?

      A coddle from Jimmy Saville, that is

      Coddle is alright, and Colcannon is actually very good.

      You wouldn’t know because you were chased into a river before you’d even got your order.

      A nice warm cooked plate of coddle would have been just the ticket after that river visit.

      What’s better?

      A Manchester Egg after being glassed?
      A plate of Coddle after nearly being drowned?

      The answers is a big doner kebab with extra chilli.

      A big doner kebab with a fisting in Istanbul?

      Fair play.