Smallman1 Millsy I’ve discovered Marmite cashews recently. Boss with a beer if you like that sort of thing. I concur, they are properly tremenballs.
Smallman1 Dubman Marmite peanut butter is also very good No can do for for me sadly, allergic to butter.
Dubman Smallman1 There’s no butter in peanut butter. It’s just peanuts and a pinch of salt although some brands may add some oil.
Along_the_Wire benson it’s not hot, just tastes different - like it for a change. Sourdough toast, butter and Marmite is good of the gods.
Along_the_Wire Dubman this is for people who hate marmite. Vegemite tastes to me what I imagine Marmite tastes to people who hate it.
Along_the_Wire Millsy Used to love it, but fuck it gives me bad acid reflux especially halftime at the football after 6 pints
Millsy bosstrabs lol at the Oirish wan sat there eating his loaf of bread in 1871 and thinking ’oh to be sure this bread be grand, but it’s missing something’ Literally with everything.
Smallman1 bosstrabs Do like a proper Irish breakfast with potato bread, I have to say. The correct terminology here is farls I do believe Dave.