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I wonder what happened to Nate Dog III and Nikhil D

    Jon Bon Digweed.

    Weird Tory cunt from Aberdeen who used to spam the board with his Pictures threads.

    Nathan was the editor at Edge magazine for years, only just left a couple of weeks ago actually

      zackster And Nihil Ramashamanndini. Remember everyone fawning over that twerp.

      I still have his mixes. They were excellent.

        C_J I wonder what happened to Nate Dog III and Nikhil D

        I took over as admin for Nikhil. At the time, he wanted to focus on the Kindergarten nights in Manchester and pursuing his career a bit more (I think I remember he was into architecture)

        Homegrove lol I remember his playing a british murder boys song and magically everyone was like “oi thats good mate.” Must have been the Sasha like context he put it in.

        British Murder Boys are Regis and Surgeon for those who lack the ole musical gravitas.

          Saw Ady Crimble post on the Bunker session last week. Crym - a blast from the past

          Smallman1 British Murder Boys are Regis and Surgeon for those who lack the ole musical gravitas.

          A fact Ed just picked up.

          I think it was Crym who posted a bunch of amusing prints from some unknown (at the time) stencil artist from picturesonwalls.com. I liked then so bought a signed one for £250 quid.

          Sold it a few years back now for 12 grand. So cheers Crym 🍻

            Slawsy sold his dog for £13k so whatevs…

            I think we should start calling Si ‘Ol ledgy bants’ now that Smallman isn’t funny anymore and BF isn’t here to incessantly call him it.

            To Si ‘New Ledgy Bants’. Whole new world on this board.

              Smalls really has lost his mojo since the Trinny to his Susannah is having one of his tantrums.