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Nah, Ian doesn’t do aliases. Remember when he said he had given all that up as it was beneath him. And he can be trusted. He never talks out of his hole. And he’s also mentally stable so there’s that.

Sweet jeebus. I do remember Vepik!

From what other people have mentioned previously, the GU board seem to be pretty much Mills giggling at anything the Irish lads posted, funny or otherwise.

Yeah pretty much flares. Nice one.

Derm could be both Ogumbo and Flares.


Have to say I’m warming to this Ogumbo character.

    Ogumbo Was it responsible for making you a Ram Man looka-likey midget in silly home made jeans as well?

    See you would think that I’ve set the bar so low that everyone would happily post pics of themselves. Can’t get worse than Ram Man right? But yet, they don’t. You don’t.

      Kells77 It’s not like everyone has to do it but isn’t it funny those that take the most delight in ripping how others look can’t bear to subject themselves to the same scrutiny.

      Quite happy to send a dick pic to an independent arbiter (Kell) if that helps.

        Vepig was a good man. Sold that pig pretty hard on GU, and to be honest, I was tempted to get one as a pet.

        I remember that post a pic of yourself thread… wasn’t that bad in terms of people hating on each other! Thankfully Ultramarineblue never posted on there, it would have taken all of us a day or two to get over his herpes-coldsore ridden face.

        Vepik was a chef, I seem to recall.

        Who was that American who came over to London for a night out at Fabric with John Goldick and co? He tried to keep up with those caners and ended up in right pickle lol

        Wasn’t it you who fell asleep in Fabric that time for Diggers, Sean? People in glass houses and all that, lol

          I don’t give a fuck who knows what I look like generally, will happily show my face to some people on here.

          Enough nutters on these boards, though, who would doxx you or stalk you based on some perceived insult (in fact, HopHead seems just the type), so no thanks to putting my pic up for general consumption.

            I would do both of those things to be fair. But only to you Dave. And possibly Millsy.

            bosstrabs Not sure saying this now is very bright, but I’ve been surprised I’ve never been doxxed by Mate Green, Doggy or someone like them. Mate Green especially felt like someone who would do that.

            Do love being stalked I have to say.