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  • GU board legends and melters

Do love being stalked I have to say.

What’s this ‘doxxing’ all about?

bosstrabs Quite happy to send a dick pic to an independent arbiter (Kell) if that helps.

😂 I’m all stocked up on dick pics, but I’ll let you know when I’m running low

    Also, over the years, I think I’ve seen pics of most people on here. Not all, obviously, but I’ve even met some in person. They can validate that I’m definitely no looker, but I’m kinda fun, so I’ve got that going for me, which is nice.

      Kells77 but I’ve even met some in person

      Everyone I’ve met off GU etc over the years has been absolutely sound.

        Millsy We should have a JC meetup when all this lockdown bollocks is over.

        mono-stereo LOL….that ALWAYS helps 😂 But most are sound even before we’re at that stage.

        303abuser wasn’t this some lad who did DMT, tripped the whole thing and cane too while remonstrating with the police which was actually a post box of sorts?

        zackster hahah. I was Facebook friends with him… Nihal. Was a kid in his teens, from what I remember, but a great DJ until he got into bass music. Unfriended me or deleted his fb account, not sure. Why did you think he was a twerp? He was the young nipper on the board everybody enjoyed because his mixes were good and he spoke some sense compared to some of the mad bastards.

          nicksneddon Proper blast from the past! I liked Nate Dawg III, good man. Happy to see he reached the pinnacle of what he loved - writing and video games.

          Hardcore Chelsea supporter too, wonder if he got on with Smalls.