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  • GU board legends and melters

rhouses I feel there’s something else that pissed you off besides his parents wealth.

Idk why you would feel that way. Not exactly an off brand stance.

    zackster haha. Just a tad bit petty, given the kid’s age.

    Trying to remember if you guys had a showdown. I do agree the board did fawn over him but that was mostly because someone from his generation was few and far between on the GU forum, and his mixes were quite good.

    What Zach is leaving out of the conversation is that they were damn goof mixes.

    Freudian slip there.

    I used to have many mixes from GU members, it would have been fun to re-upload them somewhere.

    Sounds like the old GU board was an absolute nut house.

    The thing with the GU board, imo, was that it had such a lot of traffic and a broad Global user base with different North American factions, loads of British and Irish, South Americans, Eastern European etc. And in those days 99% of the users were actually regular “scenesters” (cringes).

    Throw Dusted and Fadas into that mix and, well, carnage mate.

      Crym Shady. A 30 year old man called Ady Crimble who had an alias that made him sound like a teenage Eminem fan. Used to always throw the middle finger up on photographs. Haircut like Noel Gallagher. Ranted about ‘his’ useless staff (think he was a team manager in retail or something).

      Chewey. Pain in the arse, always underlining his working class London socialist creds. Stupid hair. Wanted to be a sports writer - always posting his shit writing for people to compliment (though that was more on 4four).

      I met Chewey when he was up in Scotland to cover a Dave Seaman night for some third-rate publication.
      As much of a prick irl as he was on the internet. Had the audacity to slag off my best Paul Smith shirt on the board afterwards as well, the utter cunt.

      C_J It was the regulars, yes. But also the complete randoms and bona fide mentalists.

      Another cool thing was all the free mix CDs you could get. Simply PM your address and a couple of days later a CD popped through your letterbox! Madness. 99% coasters but a couple of gooduns from the likes of Duncan Bankhead as well.

      Anyone remember the legend that was Colin Sales?!

        And House Harkkonen running around the lake 😆 He’s my mate, he is. sound lad.

        I remember Chewey being sound… Must be my memory.

        C_J I remember when Sales made the mistake of posting a pic of his wife. Message boards can be a harsh mistress at times.

        Chewey and Cyrm were both grumpy mofos.

        Think it was Chewey who wrote about Leslie, the writing wasn’t too bad. Was Chris his first name?

        • C_J replied to this.

          Anyone remember Eduardo Ramirez and the Dirty Sanchez fiasco with Chloe and the other ladies. hahaha. Used to party hard with the guy behind those handles… one of those crazy coincedences where someone from my college was on the GU forum from the early days.

            Used to live Duncans CD’s.

            Also props to certain Mr Seddon for making sure to post me a CD i asked for the day before he was going on hols

            Bankhead CDs were boss.

            …posted coasters worldwide for a year or two. WTF was all that about?

            • Amps replied to this.