Along_the_Wire Seriously? That sucks man. Probs for the best cancelling a national tour then. Hopefully catch them again soonish…
What events/gigs have you bought tickets for?
IndustryStandard Posho mate from Uni who went to Cranleigh
Name and shame please! How old are they / what year did they leave Cranleigh?
Good to see H is getting out and about and seeing the best in the business!
Guy J all night tomorrow
Quivver in BTown the following week
For those that haven’t met me, come and say hi when see you me at Fabric and I shall buy you a beer.
I can’t wait for it to be revealed as an Innervisions tune!
It will be bloody exciting alright.
It will reveal what we already know.
That Alistair is a know nothing BERK with no minerals.
- Edited
I hope Alister gets his head cut off as punishment
**claps frantically**