zackster Smallman1 Bit like Millsy’s chug phase which he’s now been in for what feels like 25 years. Dermo’s “Chug” avatar with the guy with the gun in his mouth crying made me laugh every time I saw it.
alistair Really like the Lau.ra track. Can see it being a bit marmite though. MJ Cole’s is instantly forgettable
Dan Smokemonk Had last month’s on at work today. Some incredible tracks on it, but outweighed with banal tracks/fillers.
Smokemonk Dan Specifically tracks from Betical and Baril were filer tracks. The rest was just fine. And it was refreshing to hear him play almost all new music.
Smokemonk alistair nothing wrong with these two as a standalone tracks, but for me Betical was out of place in that mix.
segwin That transitions from Fast Track to Bliss to Abstentia (The End Is In Sight Mix) was filled with a great deal of emotion (at least for my tender soul). Greatly looking forward to today’s broadcast.