Dan alistair Last time I heard that Moonshine track was Plastic People and Todd Terje was playing it.
nicksneddon zackster I was hoping to go to NY this year and drop in on the Expansions night he does midweek, maybe not now though
Smallman1 alistair No Kenny Dope, but it’s a belter from Louie, India and some bloke called Mo. The very last track I heard at Output on that now legendary night out I had with Zackster!
zackster I have indeed. I have the 12s with his and Todd Terry’s mixes on them. One of the few MAW 12s I own.
303abuser i feel like this thread is going to send me down a proper rabbit hole for the next couple of days.
Mad_Cyril alistair I thought this was over hyped and underwhelming. Bought but consigned to the ether