zackster I remember they played Wink’s Hows The Music? At the one party. That had me absolutely elated.
zackster jonattonyeah Roni Size Speaking of, MAW did a remix package of Dj Krust, of Roni Size fame, this past fall that was crazy good. My wife got me the record for my birthday. Very good dub vibes.
alistair zackster yep, that anti gravity love package shows they still have it. I recall JD played it in a bunker
jonattonyeah zackster That’s a good album. They really had a something going for a while there between Krust, Size, and Die.
Mad_Cyril alistair I thought this was over hyped and underwhelming. Bought but consigned to the ether
Dan alistair Last time I heard that Moonshine track was Plastic People and Todd Terje was playing it.
nicksneddon zackster I was hoping to go to NY this year and drop in on the Expansions night he does midweek, maybe not now though
Smallman1 alistair No Kenny Dope, but it’s a belter from Louie, India and some bloke called Mo. The very last track I heard at Output on that now legendary night out I had with Zackster!