Amps Smallman1 It’s taken a fair bit of internet sleuthing / stalking and a crisp ten pound note in the top pocket of Steve from IT, but I have finally found Ed’s flat:
RichM I like the bit that sticks out on the right above the entrance. Adds real character to the whole building.
Cankles-McJeggings Haha looks like my 7 year old drew the plans up. Properly shit architecture going on there.
seanc80 No wonder Ed goes out running so much and dines out so frequently with the rest of his ‘unit’. He is confined to barracks for most of the day.
Smallman1 seanc80 No wonder Ed goes out running so much and dines out so frequently with the rest of his ‘unit’. He is confined to barracks for most of the day. Knocked out a cheeky 8k earlier and lunching in Soho. We go again!
Cankles-McJeggings seanc80 Maybe Edwand could hang out of the window of his prison block and give everyone a wave with the other inmates? Like this cringefest! 😆
Dubman Caught the last episode of Big oil Vs the world. It seems Methane is more dangerous than Co2 at heating up our planet. Where fucked lads