RichM Amps it’s all a bit scaremongering that diagram. So in 20 years time California won’t be habited and it will be some kind of dessert? Stuff like this doesn’t help the climate challenge as its not realistic so people stop paying attention to far fetched views like this.
mono-stereo RichM Apparently the map was provided by an “influential financier” at a psychedelic symposium, whatever the fuck that is. In other words unhelpful and unscientific garbage.
LT42 LOL at that cruise ship. There’s obviously a big market out there for these things. I shudder to think of the type of human sect that thinks jumping on one of those with the kids for 2 weeks is a good idea. Holy fucking God, there really is no hope for us.
gcw Must say I am not looking forward to my commute on the m25 tomorrow with these protestors camped out.
gcw Dubman have heard a few people on the radio say the same thing. They are going about this the wrong way, and they are very lucky one of them hasn’t been hurt I think . Amazed some white van man hasn’t gone loco on them!