• General
  • Sasha at Fabric - Sunday 14th November

…could backfire into Fabric being the phone police, not letting people carry out their god given right of standing motionless on the dancefloor getting in everyones way whilst they video inaudible nonsense to show their gran they have a life

I used to enjoy watching vids of Sasha high fiving the gathering munted

The only time I get my phone out in Fabric is when I’m being pestered by dorises to take their number.

It’s tough at the top.

I can’t even see what’s on my phone on a night out.

It’s all a blur.

    The challenge of trying to see the time on your phone after a few is hilarious. It’s impossible

    Does anyone else get their phone buzzing in their pocket at the afters and when you go to answer it, your phone isn’t ringing or even in your pocket for that matter.

    Might have a touch of Si-syndrome myself

      Old-Dutch When my phone goes off at an afters, it’s the missus. Always. And it only signifies one thing: the beginning of the end

      LOL! The worst call on the world. Fortunately for me it is only upstairs I need to head when it happens as we end up back at mine most times.

      The odd occasion I have to leave someone else’s is fucking grim

      • Dan replied to this.

        ’Tis fucking grim beyond words. Hate it

        Ironing out 3 grams and then getting a text at 7am reminding you that you’d agreed to go Xmas shopping.


          ‘Reminder: YOU have the kids today after going out last night’

          Lol. This makes me feel much better lads. Seems this is a board wide issue. Or used to be. Not so much anymore for me.

          How have you lot ended up with other halves who aren’t at the afters with you?!

          • LT42 replied to this.