• General
  • Old age, stress or just dying?

bosstrabs Mini Kievs (or Golden Drummers), Alphabites and Tommy K?

Or, as I like to call it, winning?

No beans?


    LT42 I don’t even need to eat oysters to get it

    -si- Si clearly has some neurological disease and your answer is ‘you need something in breadcrumbs mate’. Dr. Dave to the rescue! 🤣

    Could be worse, anyone with no minerals are given the boot in North Korea

    Lol, that’s quality shizzle from the kimster!

    Earlier this week: absolutely fuming because I had forgotten something, look in the bag, there it is, I’d remembered it, and then forgotten I had remembered it. Was then confused about how angry I should be at myself. I’m putting that one down to old age rather than be being a complete thicko.

      Amps You’ll be spraffing on about coalfaces and bantzz next!

      • Amps replied to this.

        Mad_Cyril Like i’ve actually forgotten who I am, complete dementia.

        a year later


        If you didn’t solve this, high strength Magnesium tablets (around 400mg) is your friend.

        And generally adding more magnesium to your diet.

        (Not too much, or you’ll poo loads!)