Smallman1 Don’t worry they’re all still there, i’ve just had to disable the plugin (gamification) until it’s fixed by it’s maintrainer.


Mono clearly stated above there’s an issue for the time being. If you bothered to take a break from neck extensions you’d see it right there, Ed.

I hope they can come back so that Nazi Hugo can downvote me again over his personal digestive issues.

  • LT42 replied to this.

    Cheers for the work you put in keeping this random corner of the internet running, chief. Much appreciated.

    This thread makes you realise how badly you miss the ol’ upvote button. LOLs

    Mono, you’re a top man and like Ed says, the red carpet will be rolled out when you’re in London. Thank you.

    Hursty Looks like Ed already signed out in 2015

    Am messaging and ledging it from heaven.

    jonattonyeah I hope they can come back so that Nazi Hugo can downvote me again

    Hugo is in fact a board plugin also, a cheaper version of Siri

      You: Hugo, show me recipes for gazpacho.

      Hugo: Police brutality is an issue made of by the left. The carrying out of justice by officers of the law against criminals is equally balanced by race, creed, and sexual orientation. To suggest otherwise would be moronic. I have found 17 articles from that you might find interesting.