Homegrove Blu Ray of 101 came in the mail today. 4K remastered from the film (no idea why only a normal blu ray was released), this is fucking awesome. The movie and about half of the songs from the Pasadena-concert.
Homegrove They’re going to be touring next year with a new album. They’ll be outdoors in Helsinki in August, but I will pass. Them as a duo (well with a back up band) in their sixties… Nah.
alistair Homegrove I’d go. It was well known that Fletch did little but stand behind a keyboard and manage the finances
gcw I managed to get guest passes 3 times in the past 10 years for DM (including one time sitting next to Oakenfold!) but yeah, I’m not sure I’d go and see them now
Dan Along_the_Wire Thank God it’s not near Ali’s. The after party soundtrack will be the death of us.
Along_the_Wire Homegrove agree to an extent, but Gahan still sounds brilliant. Their peak was Violator to be fair to the lads. What an album that was
Phil-McRackin It’s pretty good but I have low expectations of them these days….need Alan Wilder back.