ScottBailey Tell you what though, you only realise how slow the bpm’s are nowerdays when you try to mix these classic tunes in. […] 128-130 was a great tempo for moving on the dancefloor. Feel like crowds have just become nodding brigades in the last 10 years
As I’ve pointed out on numerous occasions on this board, it’s because you fogeys are now mostly listening to the wrong music and going to the wrong places - in actual techno around 140bpm is still pretty standard, while in recent years DJs and sets pushing to around 150bpm have also become more common.
When it gets that fast though I think it can also create a slightly different but similar “nodding brigades” problem to that of the low tech-house/prog mid-20s bpms, in that it can be too fast for people to actually keep up with and do much actual moving in time to - when the tempos are so fast there’s only a limited range of movement your body can really fit in while staying on beat so people often just don’t really bother moving with it much at all and instead rather just vaguely sway.
PS also what zackster says above here.