rhouses Hardly an expert on these matters, but the Streets of Rage 4 soundtrack is banging. The wife, of course, hates me a little more every time I play it with the bass on full.
Millsy Have you ever made love to the Streets of Rage soundtrack, the Rhouse? Or is GU13 still your go-to?
Amps Millsy Meh, just a John Carpenter sample. It works better the other way around, this sampled / ripped off actual original work from a computer game and is a fuckin banger!
GerS vinnyt77 Yeah, played it not too long ago. Loved it, was a class game. I think I remember Druth had a northy Irish accent in it? Looking forward to the second part now they’re currently working on, should be quality on the new next gen consoles.
Millsy Amps at the time, having Bomb The Bass on soundtrack duties was an absolute master stroke by the Bitmap Bros. Wally will back me up here as he knows his gaming history.
Amps Millsy Fair point on it’s impact at the time… but what you haven’t taken into consideration is that I have just been doing the two step shuffle to Chable & Bonnici – Ride, and I’m now ready to rave. Texts have been sent, lunch time drinking and an early dart have been arranged. The weekend starts here!
ScottBailey mono-stereo I never actually had WipeOut, I just remember it being a big deal that Sasha got Xpander on it. I used to play a PC knockoff called Hi-Octane
BlainSA Always liked the GTA V loading music. Space cadet stuff. And sorry guys, but fuck me does ride sound dreadful.